- Phone: +971502246848
- Ramadan schedule: Saturday - Thursday: 10am -12am
- Friday: 2pm -12am
Education and Accreditations
He holds a Master’s Degree in Prosthodontics from Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences India, where he studied from August 2004 to September 2007. Prior to this, he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Surgery from the same institution, completing his studies between August 1999 to September 2003. Dr Piyush is USA National Board certified, he has also done post graduate diploma in advanced oral implantology from France.
Professional Experience
He has extensive experience across multiple health care facilities in India and the UAE. He was last associated with Burjeel Medical center Al Shamkha in the capacity of specialist prosthodontist and dental impants since 2017.
Specialties and Expertise
Prosthodontics: Specialize in fixed crowns and bridges for protecting and replacing missing teeth. Expert in all types of dentures like overdentures, implant supported dentures etc. Efficient in aesthetic procedures as Hollywood smile and veneers. Specialized in full mouth reconstructions requiring extensive restorations, occlusion correction and temporomandibular joint management.
Dental implants: expert in planning for dental implants to surgical placement of dental implants followed with implant supported crowns or bridges. Full mouth implant supported fixed and removable prosthesis planning, management and placement.
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