- Phone: +971502246848
- Ramadan schedule: Saturday - Thursday: 10am -12am
- Friday: 2pm -12am
Education and Accreditations
He holds a master’s degree in Periodontology from the University of Damascus College of Dentistry, where he studied from November 2013 to January 2020.
Prior to this, he earned his bachelor’s degree in dental surgery from the same institution, completing his studies between November 2007 and March 2013.
Professional Experience
He is a Syrian Board Certified, residency-trained periodontist with extensive experience in general dental practice procedures, dental implants, cosmetics, and gingival procedures.
He is a licensed periodontist by both the DHA (Dubai Health Authority) and the DOH (Department of Health).
Specialties and Expertise
Oral Surgery: Specializes in the surgical removal of impacted teeth, cysts, tumors, apicoectomies, and exposure of impacted canines.
Periodontal Surgery: Expert in treating gingival recession, performing gingivectomies, gingivoplasties, crown lengthening, treating periodontitis, and using regeneration techniques with bone grafts and growth factors.
Dental Implants and Smile Correction: Proficient in bone augmentation, sinus lifts, soft tissue surgeries, immediate implantation, gummy smile correction, and aesthetic crowns, bridges, and veneers.
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